Friday, May 20, 2011

Hidroaysen: the current talking point

Hidroaysen is a Chile's energy project. It consists in the building of five hydroelectrics in two rivers in the Chilean south. This project is the one of the bigger. It'll to help the Chilean people. Also, going to unify two energy companies to form a monopoly in the administration.

This project was approved on May 9th, 2011. This situation has been creating polemics and rejection for the people's part. Their answers are from simples opinions to violent protests march in against it.

From 1961, Chile's been trying to search some energy resources in the south. This situacion has taken the companies to make these project and propose them to create energy. These ideas, of spite be very well in economics aspect, also make big social and environmental impacts in the region as well as in the rest of the country. These conflicts have been studied and approved, to which made a shady impression because, like today the people express, there're more than 50% of chilean people in opposition.

This project are going to affect the chilean landscape, flooding 5900 hectares and requiring 3000 kilometers of electric cables along the involved regions. This situacion carries to serious damages in the tourism of the Chile's south.

Hidroaysen has been generating the disapproval for part of the chilean people. This has gone creating protests  in Chile and others countries. An example is "Patagonia sin represas". It calls groups together to try to find solutions with renewables energies in Chile like the solar energy in the north or wind power in the south, the thermoelectric energy too, but this is scarcer.

Declarations have been sent to favor and in opposition to the project. The declarations in favor were falling into the President Sebastián Piñera, who approved the project with the condition of preserve the environment. Also, exist the opinions that disapprove the renewable energies for his high cost and difficulty. The declarations in against meet expressed in the mobilizations, in some diplomatics, musicians or public figures.

Our opinions about it, are that this project shouldn't become . We think renewable energy has more expectations and doesn't contaminate the environment in the same proportion, despite be more expensive and take up more space.

In conclusion, the advantages of the project are the energy price is going to fall, making cheaper the economic development. Also, it's an assured source that doesn't require so many space, work and money like the others alternatives. And the disadvantages are the waste of the undeveloped sources, the little care about the environment or tourism. Besides, It doesn't creates conscience of how to use correctly the energy. The project too has been a controversy target, creating violence into the people. Aside, this situation has taken to rise the voice and the town opinion.  
Source: El mercuro, La tercera. 20/05/2011

Past simples v/s past continuous
  1. She was studying when her mother told her "it's late, you should going to fall asleep".
  2. They told him that he look like a clown when he was wearing his new clothes.
  3. I found my keys in my pocket while i was walking at my home.
  4. I talked by phone because my sister was calling me.
  5. My mom cooked a pizza while i was studying maths.
  6. George was feeding his dog when started the end of the world.

If you want to get more info about this project or you want to give us suggestions... you can leave it your message in the comments box and, in the next post we'll try answer your questions. Thanks a lot in advance for your participation!