Friday, June 17, 2011

The girl who was conceived for artificial insemination!

A Brazilian woman gave birth one girl who was conceived for artificial insemination with the frozen sperm that was preserving of his husband, who died last year for a leather cancer.

The mother will leave the hospital in company of his daughter who is in mint condition of health.

Katia Lernerneier, called his baby with 'Luisa Roberta', and his birth was qualified as "a new start" and, in addition, he assures that Luisa looks like his father.

The couple had tried without success to have progeny when the husband of Lernerneier still was alive, for what the marriage decided to freeze a sample of semen to try artificial fertilizations. It managed to occupy this sample asking for judicial authorization since it had not left anything in writing.

Source: Terra. 17/06/2011

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